No matter what you want to accomplish, it won’t happen if you don’t show up. The first piece of success is putting yourself in the position to be successful. Take the action. If you want to be an artist, do something artistic each day. If you want to get in shape, track your eating and move your body. If you want to be a better grappler, be consistent about going to practice. Anything you wish to do is on the other side of habits and showing up. The less you take the appropriate actions toward your goals the longer it will take to reach them. It is not easy to always have things that need to be done only for the sake of future you. However, unless you take those actions future you and present you are virtually identical. Put yourself in a position to be successful by taking actions that align with your ideal future outcome. Maybe it won’t be perfect, but you can’t be successful without putting yourself in the position to find out.
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